
Raj Pest Control Services

Service Code: RSC

Spider Control

Spider-free living starts with regular cleaning rituals. Our expert approach includes strategic spraying and vacuuming to eliminate webs and egg sacs. Keep your spaces well-lit and pristine to ward off unwelcome eight-legged guests.

Spraying & Vacuuming

Eliminate Webs and Eggs

Thorough Inspection

Assured Warranty

Effective Control

Preventive Measures

Spider Control Service Pricing:

Service Name Amount (INR) Frequency
Spider Control - Single Service - Upto 1500 Sq.Ft. Rs.1500/- Fortnight Once
Spider Control - Single Service - Above 1500 Sq.Ft. Re.1/- per sq.ft. Fortnight Once
Spider Control - AMC (Per Annum) - Upto 1500 Sq.Ft. Rs.6000/- (4 Services Per Annum) Fortnight Once
Spider Control - AMC (Per Annum) - Above 1500 Sq.Ft. Rs.4/- Per Sq.Ft. (4 Services Per Annum) Fortnight Once