
Raj Pest Control Services

Service Code: RAC

Ants Control

Tackling the complexity of ants control, these social insects pose challenges with their organized colonies. Our experts ensure a comprehensive process, conducting inspections and providing 100% assured warranty. A specialized chemical approach is employed for effective control.

Comprehensive Process

Specialized Approach

Thorough Inspection

Assured Warranty

Effective Control

Stop Ants Colonies

Ants Control Service Pricing:

Service Name Amount (INR) Frequency
Ants Control - Single Service - Upto 1500 Sq.Ft. Rs.1500/- Fortnight Once
Ants Control - Single Service - Above 1500 Sq.Ft. Re.1/- per sq.ft. Fortnight Once
Ants Control - AMC (Per Annum) - Upto 1500 Sq.Ft. Rs.6000/- (4 Services Per Annum) Fortnight Once
Ants Control - AMC (Per Annum) - Above 1500 Sq.Ft. Rs.1/- Per Sq.Ft. (4 Services Per Annum) Fortnight Once